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12 Hacks To Improve Mouse Clicking Speed 2022 [Updated]

Click Speed ​​Test

Have you ever had to play a game where the mouse click speed is excruciatingly slow?

Before using the cursor again, you must hold down the left-click button for 2-3 seconds. This can be aggravating, but there are ways to speed up your mouse clicking.

There are several things you may do to increase the speed of your mouse clicks.

Here are 12 strategies for increasing your mouse clicking speed and regaining control of the game faster. 

Play Click Speed ​​Test Game

The CPS Test is a game that allows you to see how fast you can click. It's usually referred to as a Click Speed ​​Test or CPS Test by gamers. This will assist you in determining your current clicking speed as well as tracking your progress as you work to improve it.

There are a few other tests available on Click Speed ​​Test that might help you improve your mouse clicking speed. The Jitter Click Test is one of them. Jitter Click Test measures how correctly you can click on a moving target to help you improve your accuracy.

Use Gaming Mouse

A gaming mouse is made specifically for gamers, and it has features that can help you enhance your clicking speed. These mice typically have a higher DPI (dots per inch) rating, allowing them to move the cursor more quickly.

They also frequently include buttons on the side that allow you to change DPI settings fast, allowing you to modify your speed on the fly. Additionally, some gaming mice have extra buttons that may be configured to execute different functions depending on the game.

You may configure the side buttons (usually where your thumb rests) to perform ultimate specific activities, like casting an or moving forward, with this type of mouse.

Improve Your Mouse Grip

Many gamers who want to improve their clicking speed don't use the best grip for rapid clicking or they click incorrectly. The "claw grip," which involves curling your fingers and squeezing the mouse instead of utilizing a regular palm hold, is the most prevalent mistake.

Lifting your finger off the left-click button until you need it again is also a good idea. Also, avoid clicking your mouse too high. You should click about midway down the mouse's body, where the hump is located.

Adjust Mouse DPI Setting

Adjusting your DPI can help you enhance your clicking speed if you're using a standard (non-gaming) mouse with only two buttons (left and right).

some mice feature changeable DPI settings that allow you to modify how quickly they move across the screen when you click them; others include a software option that allows you to manually adjust this.

The easiest approach to figure out what level works best for you is to practice and explore until you discover a nice "clicking sweet spot" - some people like lesser sensitivity, while others prefer higher sensitivity because it offers faster results.

Use Mouse Pad

A mouse pad can help you keep a better grip on your mouse and keep it from sliding off your desk or mouse pad. This is useful if you're wanting to improve your clicking skills. Some players even feel that having a cloth-based pad allows them to click faster because there is more friction between their hand and the surface, allowing them to shoot more accurately.

It also prevents your mouse from accelerating too quickly during gameplay, making it more difficult to manage.

Use Lighter Touch While Clicking

Some players believe that to click quickly, you need to squeeze the mouse hard. This is not always true since it can slow you down because you have to lift your hand off of the mouse to move it back into position for another click.

It would be best to try to use a lighter touch by keeping your fingers loose and only using the amount of pressure necessary to click the button. This will allow you to keep your hand in place and click without removing it from the mouse.

Don't Use Excessive Force While Clicking

If you're clicking more slowly, it's likely that you're also pressing down harder on the mouse. This will significantly reduce your speed because it will be more difficult for your cursor to go across the screen without straying from its intended route.

Another reason why a cloth-based pad can help you enhance your game is that it adds a little more friction to your grip and stops the mouse from slipping around.

Keep Your Wrist Straight

It's more difficult to move your hand in a straight line when your wrist is bent. You may lose control of the mouse and miss your target as a result of this. To avoid this, use the muscles in your forearm and upper arm to keep your wrist straight when clicking.

If you're playing from a desk, you might find that keeping your hand elevated to the height of your keyboard tray helps.

Don't Move Mouse Quickly

The easier it is to operate your mouse, the less movement it produces. Many skilled gamers prefer mice with a lower DPI because it allows them to make smaller, more precise movements without worrying about the pointer flying off in the wrong way.

If your pointer is moving about too much on the screen, you can try reducing the sensitivity in your software settings to slow down your mouse movement. You might also try using a larger mouse pad to give yourself more room to move the pointer around on.

Adjust Mouse Setting

Try this easy test to discover whether your cursor movement is lagging: move your mouse along a straight line as quickly as you can and notice how it changes. If your cursor appears to be lagging, it's likely that some of your settings need to be tweaked. These parameters can be changed in your mouse software.

To lessen the general sensitivity of the cursor, for example, check for speed and acceleration options. You might also try adjusting your polling rate to match that of the mouse's sensor.

Seat In Comfortable Position

When trying to reach the mouse, if your desk is too high or too low, you may bend over or stretch out. This can cause undue stress on your body and make it difficult to move your hand rapidly.

Experimentation is the greatest approach to finding the right height for your workstation. To find what works best, you may need to alter your chair or raise or lower your desk.

Take Breaks & Relax Your Hand

Finally, you must allow enough time for your hands and fingers to relax in order to maintain your clicking speed. If you try to click too quickly for long periods of time, you risk injuring yourself or developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

The number of breaks you should take varies by person, but most experts agree that players should take at least 10 minutes off between strenuous gaming sessions. It's important to remember that this rule applies to any repeating motion, not only mouse clicking.


Taking the time to learn how your mouse works and what settings you can change is the best method to improve your mouse click speed. It may take some trial and error to figure out what works best for you, but once you do, it will be much easier for you to take command of the game.

These pointers should assist you in increasing your mouse-clicking speed. To maintain the best performance, remember to take regular rests and modify your settings as needed.

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